
I would like to announce to the world, I have made a hinge. Okay, it's really nothing to write home about, but its something and I am proud of it. I worked on my remedial filing today as well and its getting better. I just need to keep at it.

I need to work on filing my chamfers and my soldier usage. I am going to make a few more on my test piece for my container so, it should be quite nice.

I also finalized a lot of the design after a long talk with Katja today. That is something I really love about Towson. They have an amazing grad program with super helpful, super informed grad students that are easy to talk with and really help you sort out what you are thinking. I'm really appreciative for their time and efforts. They really bring a lot to the table every day. But, back to what I was saying, I figured out that specific details with my hinge after talking to her that I think really will work. It means a little more work for me, but the results should be amazingly better.
I made a timeline that if I follow perfectly will allow me about 4 days to really clean it up and finish it up. I want the actual etching and forming done by Monday night or Tuesday afternoon by the latest giving me time to make the internal framing and hinges this week. This will only leave the attachment of the hinge and the final details like the gesso and colored pencil finishing (which reminds me to throw some scrap pieces to be etched to get some practice in on that before its show time).

I want to knock out the etching and the practice hinge on the sample this weekend for sure. I have all day tomorrow to cut and file before work and Saturday afternoon to make the hinge giving me Sunday after work to cut out the face plates and prepare it for soldering Monday. During all this I can work at the same time etching and practicing the finishing of the surface. It should be really nice. I realized I have to make this sample perfectly anyway because I needed something to stretch the gut over. If I do it on the actual piece I will pull off any finishing I do and get the texture of the etching which is not what I think I am going for. I will do some tests after I make a few samples this weekend.
D & P-
Really on track at the moment with this. Not much to report this week, really working on my rhino models and I hope to post up some screen captures later this weekend. I want to get a few different forms and play with the scale of them to get them rapid prototyped and then finished. I will go into more detail about this as it goes on. I am waiting on some samples to arrive back first before I move any further.
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