Been a busy week, I haven't really finalized a design for my "oil containment swim wear" but, I did get the stuff ordered. It wasn't a horrible price either about $20 for 10 feet of it with free shipping. It should be hear by the middle of next week. I also got an awesome mannequin from a store liquidator online for $10. It will need to be repainted because none of the limbs match, but I'm excited about it nonetheless. I haven't decided if I am going to go for a flesh tone on it or just maybe a flat black. I think either way it will be super helpful in the future. I also am attempting to get a mannequin head in order to help me layout some of my ideas and play with the way things lay and fit on the face. There are some great used cosmetology ones right now that I am looking into (considering the used ones are about $10 and the full price for them is about $50-100).
I have been thinking about some laser cut bracelets too, but I think financially they might have to wait a while. I will post up some sketches I have been working on soon. Here's to hoping the project goes well.