Here are my examples that I found that I consider to be hype.
I think that hype is something visual that creates an implied urge for whatever the intended meaning is. The first two things that always come to mind are Politics and Media. Both I think are the biggest users of "hype".
War is one of the main pulls for messages of hype through the use of propaganda. You have to "hype the war" to get the people to pay the money for the war. It's a very complex system. There is also generally rival hype in the pro-war and anti-war camps. Some of the cruelest atrocities done to man were funded and carried out on the proceeds of propaganda. Making it one of the most powerful motivators around.
Propaganda is generally in print but, it is also in the form of clothing and monuments. One of the largest forms of propaganda in this country is monuments and government facades. They are a form of hype in my opinion because they seek to display "power" and "might" of the government in a subtext. People go to these places almost in a form of a pilgrimage from all over the country.
Media- It surrounds us every single day! On the Radio, In Print, On the T.V. it's everywhere. Everything we see tends to have a link to the media in some way. It dictates how we feel about ourselves and others and how we interact with our environment. It makes us hungry, it makes us buy new clothes, it makes us go to the movies. Hype is the key tool for anything to be a success.
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