Okay after reading the article from Worldpress today about the balloon hoax (http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/world/world/general/balloon-boy-hoax-was-reality-tv-show-publicity-stunt/1653116.aspx) I feel sufficiently informed to weigh in.
I first heard about this in the break room of my work on Friday afternoon. That is when the
mysterious video managed to surface of the couple watching the balloon take-off. From right there it looked extremely fake. If they thought there child was inside a balloon (FILLED WITH HELIUM NOT OXYGEN SO HOW IS HE BREATHING?!?!?!) why were they not trying to get him out? They were just standing there watching the balloon take off. Then, they said that the wife was supposed to have tethered the balloon down and they kids could ride in it. Okay, a little more plausible but still, why would a 6 year old be unattended in a balloon. While it's not hydrogen I'm seeing distaster.

Then, the way in which he called for help- The FAA, The local News, then the police. First off, I understand the FAA, he was in this field and knew that an unidentified object would normally be shot down which would probably not be beneficial for getting his son back. THEN THE NEWS THOUGH? What good would that do you? You need the police in this matter, not the news. Reporters would just complicate things. He claimed it was so they could track the balloon. I think that to be total hogwash.
Even on Wife Swap with the Heene's, Richard seemed a bit crazy if not bipolar (if you haven't seen it check it out on Hulu like I did a few minutes ago, its hilarious in its absuridity) they also have up the ridiculous music video they did of their children signing about how they are not pussies. I find the music video to be the most offensive if you ask me. http://www.theinsider.com/videos/2920762_Wife_Swap_Heene_boys_Not_Pussified_music_video
They are exploiting their children for more fame. They are failed actors and they are trying to milk the system for that its worth. This is an octomom event all over again. I pray to god they don't get a reality t.v. deal out of this.
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