Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Design Skills

Some Definitions for Social Design Class:

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is taking an idea and thinking of a creative and sustainable way to solve it. Design thinking is "thinking outside the box". You aren't trying to invent the wheel, your just trying to make it better with design thinking. Its a way of taking an exisiting problem and solving it with a solution that will improve the conditions the problem came from.



http://www.idesignthinking.com/ <--Great Site

What is "Design Skills"?
Design skills is a broad term. I can be tecnical skills with 2D or 3D modelling or it can be abstract skills like inventiveness and imagination. From http://www.lukew.com/ it is the "mingling of medium and message".

What is "creativity"?

Creativity is thinking of something in a new way. It is being uique, and a mix of social flair and design skill.


1 comment:

Jangrrrrl said...

continue to revisit these questions from time to time; read design blogs and follow this conversation/discussion- it is ongoing and it evolves