Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cosmetics and Self-Image

After yesterdays conversation about my Design Project 1 and what I really wanted to protray I went and researched Cosmetics and their link to self-perception and self image. I would really like to be able to link my window clings to an organization that promotes positive self-image in women but, I have yet to find the right one. I did however find a paper written by Sarah Scott a psychology major at Hanover College that did a social experiment to link anxiety to makeup. It was an amazing study. She had participants wear different types of makeups in different situations and measured their anxiety levels. The full research can be found here: I also checked into a few of the books she had on her bibliography. There seems to be a link between self-image in females and the confidence they derive from wearing makeup in different situations.

I did find the Step Up Women's Network promoting positive self-esteem in women. They are national organization, while they don't have an office in Baltimore they do have programs in D.C. and N.Y.C.

I also found The National Association of Self Esteem an organization that wants to promote self esteem into the fabric of American Society.

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